Location: Holder building room 154.00.13

Contact: Dr. Phani Karamched

The JEOL IT-800 is a high resolution field emission gun SEM with analytical capabilities. The system is fitted with a number of detectors for imaging including: Everhart Thornley, Scintillator backscatter, inlens secondary and  backscattered electron detectors. Analytical capability is provided by a JEOL 100mm2 for obtaining high resolution spectra and high spatial resolution maps.

The instrument is a Super Hybrid Lens (SHL) version aimed at high resolution imaging and analysis. A Live-AI filter is incorporated for a higher quality of live images.

  • Operating voltages  100V to 30kV, upto 100nA beam current
  • Resolution 0.5nm @15kV, 0.7nm@1kV
  • E-T detector, inlens SE and backscatter detectors.
  • Scintillator backscattered electron detector
  • Beam deceleration mode for working on insulating specimens without the need for coating or low vacuum.
  • JEOL100mm2 EDX for ‘live’ analysis and mapping of a wide variety of specimens.
jsm it800